Firststorm by Shannon Myer Review

Seeing how this was a new series for me, I didn't have the back story of the first two books. But I have to say that it blew my socks off rather quickly in just a few pages! This book was a good fast-paced read and enough going on that it drew me in to the story regardless.


Firestorm by Shannon Mayer


Author: Shannon Mayer

Genre:  Sci-Fi, Fanstasy

Publisher: HiJinks Ink Publishing, Ltd.

Publishing Date: September 29th 2015




My name is Larkspur, and I am an Elemental.

My people use the power of the earth to sustain life and defy our enemies. I should be at my father's side as a royal princess. But as a half-breed, bastard child, that isn't going to happen.

In a world of lava and fire, I am about to face my hardest trial yet. Not one of strength, or power, but intrigue and manipulation. However, my tolerance level for anyone outside of my family is at an all-time low, and the queen who rules the Pit expects complete obedience.

As Ash's life is held in the balance, I have just three days to prove his innocence and mine. This place holds more than a scorching heat; new foes, traitors, and creatures from the depths of the lava are all trying to keep us from surviving.

The only question left. . . Can I get us all out without being burned alive?

Welcome to the Pit.



Shannon Mayer


Reading and writing from a very young age I learned early on that stories built in a fantasy world were where the fun was at. Reading books by Robert Jordan spurred me on and it was the first real epic fantasy that I fell in love with. After that came Piers Anthony, Melanie Rawn and into my older teen years, Anne Rice.

It was in Rice’s novels that the idea of urban fantasy really bloomed for me and it was about that time that my grandmother was letting me read her Harlequin Historical novels. (Okay, actually she was slipping them to me when my mother wasn’t looking, but let’s not get picky.)

The combination of love stories and darker fantasy stuck with me and it’s now not only what I gravitate towards to read on my off time (Kelly Armstrong, Laurell K Hamilton, Kim Harrison), but has become the style I love to write in.

Besides writing, I love to spend time with my family and animals, horseback ride, garden and hike with my husband.






Barnes & Nobles:


The characters are developed and it's nice that the author is able to give you the sense of inclusion as she writes each scene.
The description of the pit, lava river and magic comes together with smoothness that should be recognized and acknowledged. I could use my imagination to feel the heat, the rocks under my hands when Lark was thrown to the ground when dealing the wife of one of the Enders that was suppose to die by Larkspur's hand, and I could "see" the frustration on Peta face when dealing with Larkspur time and time again. And that Earth magic that Cactus brings to us in his version of the Secret Garden of Eden in his dwelling has me smelling the rich dirt that brings that clean freshness associated it and the many flowers that have bloomed there.

She makes the characters that come across some one you actually have in your own life. Face it we all know that strong, frustrated type who will protect their friends to the end, to the Bitch, to the one one wants to do it all their self regardless of the consequences and of course the bully/manipulator we all come across in our own lives. She was able to give the characters personality, depth and the realistic behavior that one hopes for in any book that we pick up to read. So Kudos Shannon!

I have to admit that this ARC has me looking for the first books by Shannon, as well as the books that followed this one. I look forward to adding her to my "Must Read" list. Over all I personally give this book a 5 out of 5 stars.

This Author shared this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion for this review. So the words above have no impact overall in the making of this book and should be taken with a grain of salt. So please remember that when you read this review. These are just my personal thoughts & opinion.


This wraps up another issue of "A Simple Word."

Read On My Fellow Bibliophiles,