The Word Exchange: A Novel

The Word Exchange: A Novel - Alena Graedon First of all, I have to say that I have a high reading level; but this book almost made me feel dumb. I had to constantly look up some of the words in order to understand the context in which the word was being used. I found the footnotes to be distracting and unnecessary. It was wordy and slow reading as it took me close to 6 weeks to actually reading the hard copy book all the way through the book for the sake of doing the review. I had to get 50% through the book before the story started to come together. The concept of this techno-thriller is set in the not-so-far-in-the-distance-future was interesting as it showed us what could happen if we only relied on devices without written words but for me it had images of my daughter, who is addicted to her cell phone; showing up in my head time and times again. She lacks the ability to speak to a person in real life and the ability to function without blasting everything out into the “social media” world that we live in - when it should be keep “in house” so to speak. At times you came across some brilliantly written parts but I began to wonder with the book would read the same in half of it's length. i am giving this book 2 stars out of 5. It doesn't do anything for me other then have me reaching for my own dictionary.

*** This book comes to me through Net Gallery for my honest opinion.***